Final taper week. Ber said, "I almost got a divorce during my tapor." I laughed, but then I understood...It's funny that this is legitimate; I feel safe within the madness. I can't tell when I'll have energy - I was amped all day prior to the Mariner's home opener, and then on the bus with my mug of brew, I was a zombie. I definitely want to cram mileage, run twice a day, and I really do not want to take a break after this marathon. Luckily or unluckily I am sick, which keeps me in check, in bed. My last long run was on an incredibly warm day - I got a little color on my face and as I was running along the water a cyclist high-fived me which made me feel warmth & camaraderie. After the run, I soaked my feet in the bay watching sailboats, had a team meeting with BDP; in the early stages of event planning. Took a salt bath, shaved my legs, sloughed off my blisters. My girlfriend got back into town & we watched Game of Thrones with Poops between us.
I'm not entirely confident in the pace I'll be able to hold for Boston, but I'm not nervous to find out. I feel deep down that this isn't my one and only opportunity, it's just the beginning. My drive & focus has evolved into something more telling - this is the foundation for loftier goals. Of course I'd love to throw down, but I'm going to be okay with whatever happens, and for that reason I am not nervous. I am just extremely thankful to have these legs.

I'm blessed to have the friends I do. Pretty proud of myself for attracting such beautiful people into my life. With the help of
Brooks, freebies from
Strava, Powebars & goos from Ber, support from myothermother, Laurey, an awesome lodging deal from Mr. Breihof, a good luck package from Mck, sweet homemade cards from Maria and my grandmother, good luck emails from patrons & friends from the wine bar, a celebratory send off with champagne planned for this evening with my boss - I feel good going into Boston. I race more for this camaraderie than I do for myself, my time, my place. For a long time I felt really empty, like I gave too much & didn't get back what I needed - that something indeterminable that gets your energy and spirit on the up - I was missing that, and with it, my confidence. It's funny that two jobs, emotional stress, and training at 80+ mpw for a pretty politically charged & emotional race can bring me back to fullness, which is only because of the people I have in my life.

We had ladies day yesterday, women about town; I bought too many pillows & had the largest coffee of my life, which I somehow drank in minutes. All of a sudden I was on fire, and I bought all the pillows. I like this photo of my mother and I (to the left), as it indicates familial similarity. I look like I'm high off my ass & she just looks cute, maybe asian, or like she took a nap and starting dreaming about lady bonerific things. In regards to the taper emotions on this lady day - I started off antsy & irritable, had that coffee, then bought all the pillows & had the time of my life with thousands of ideas of home projects.
I got a short run in before pulling out my micro-crimper, gaining that 80's volume and pink lipstick look for a friend's birthday party at the Lynden Skateway. Mads J & I put on our gear & I tested out skates I had purchased back in August when I wanted to be a roller Betty. As Mads J can attest, I'm not entirely equipped to handle becoming a Jammer. As we are lovers, we got to hold hands on couples skate, and had many really on point moves.

There are so many truly wonderful things going on, with Boston, with relationships, with summer plans, friends racing, the Bellingham Distance Project coming to fruition, community and familial support, jobs that care about me as a person, who constantly say things like, "I wish I was your mom," or "I wish you could live with me," when for all reasons, they really don't have to - I'm just so very thankful. If you have to go through shit to get to this, I guess it's worth it.
The girls & I will leave this weekend and get in as much of Boston as we can for such a short trip. I haven't been anxious or excitable, just at ease. Coming to terms.
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