Monday, November 17, 2014

Chakra, not Shocker Cleanse

My mother signed herself & I up for chakra readings as a means to help us deal with our shit. Between jobs I went to the appointment & sat in front of the healer with a cup of green tea. She assessed my line, noticing a division between the lower three & upper four, beginning with the root, which was an earth brown. She said, "Not necessarily a bad thing. Associated with everyday survival, drawing from the earth, centering you." The next, a deep forest green - " if some emotional energy had been really stirred up and has begun to settle - it doesn't feel fresh or new, it's heavy, with sadness." The third chakra - ochre yellow, " feels turned down; you have personal power - when you're cooking, you're capable of great change, but it's shut down. It's there, but it's slow. Like, you have all this stuff going on."

"From the heart up it's light, airy, moving. It's like you're telling yourself, 'At least on this level I need to have a positive attitude. I need to be clear. Sensory.' It's a little heavy, but it's open. Your heart chakra is a bright, clear green. You have a tremendous amount of healing energy - a natural giver. I get that you're trying to protect other people from anything heavy you're feeling. Telling yourself to stay light, to stay in a healing place. Protecting yourself and other people. I keep getting the word, 'positive.'"

The fifth chakra encapsulates communication - this too " open & moving; it's important to you to keep communication flowing. There's a little bit of a block at the back of your neck - it's darker blue back there. You're trying to stay positive, but sometimes you have other feelings, an impulse to say something, but you push it back."

The sixth chakra deals with clairvoyance, the third eye. "Light reddish purple - magenta. You're good at reading people, but I get that frustration comes in, because you see what's going on, and it's like you're not happy to see it. Though it's part of life. You work on not being judgmental. You're good at reading situations.

The seventh involves spirituality & wisdom. "Light purple, not red, and bright. You're pretty good at trusting what you intuitively know, and you're drawing on that a lot right now. There's a sense of asking yourself, 'What's my truth? What's important to me?' You're downloading energy."

After the color reading we spoke about my past lives (many, both male & female), my hindrances, my shoulder-governers (3). She called me out on my bs. Said I choose a type. Called me a perfectionist, in that I operate by the theory that if I could get a noncommittal to commit to me, then I earn the best kind of love.
"But I didn't think I had a type?"
"Mmmm. I think you'll see that you do."

I have (3) guides: 1) A mid-30's, lengthy brunette in a one-shouldered gown who encourages my femininity & has been with me many lives; as a man, where she helped me understand women. 2) Maxim, a shirtless warrior, olive-skinned who protects me. ("Well that's bs. He's really sucking it up." "He says to tell you you need to ask for help more.") 3) A man in his 60's with a white beard in a rocking chair who helps cultivate my inner wisdom & is there through long nights of thought & in dreams.

Mean the while she recorded the reading & sent me the bit. My mother had her appointment the following day & found great comfort in the healer's ability to pull past cats & her friend's death forward, great personalities of my mother's life which continue to guide her. I know why my mother encouraged me to do this. I think it's that when we sit in bed together, like we did and do, there's this big bubble that takes up all the air in the room, one which revolves around death, loss, aging, people, always people, family, my brother, his daughter, my father, men, disease, depression, the news. There was a while I couldn't reach her, she felt so distant to me when I needed her to be close & then, sitting in bed, she said, "I haven't been able to sleep. I've been watching reports on ISIS, and...I just, can't, don't want in a world where that happens, where people do that to each other." Which is a function of the bubble, of the air depressing. Like the healer said, "...frustration comes in because you see what's going on, and it's like you're not happy to see it. Though, it's part of life." For some reason, my mother & I are soaked in it, totally unsavvy at letting the bubbles bounce. At the end of the reading, she said, "How do you feel?" I said, "Lighter," but I meant to say, "Less alone."

For more information on Jill Miller and her readings/healings, see Simply Spirit Center.

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