Monday, 1/6
M & I are sick again wtf. Though initially offset from one another, the last bout lasted near 2 weeks. I had heard some were having a bounce back, but, ew. A huge indicator for me is when wine doesn't taste good. I don't have time to be sick, so buckle up throat, we livin' life to the max!
The forecast is PNeW! Rain turning to snow and snow sticking for the next week or two. I'm hoping to accomplish a last big push in volume before a down next, but it won't be easy. I put on all my best rain gear. It doesn't help. The rain is cyclonic, somehow coming up from below and hitting my face despite a hat. Gloves are drenched, which keeps the cold pressed to flesh, so I put them in my pockets and curl my sad white hands deeper and deeper within the sleeves. I forgot my headphones, so I was alone with my thoughts today. I didn't want to be that woman who throws her raincoat at the fireplace again, so I just let it all happen about me, didn't fight it, resigned to. 12 miles of sheer, just, stupid, simple physical effort. Actually surprised by the fluidity of my legs. The only battle is the weather. I think of Des Linden, her training terrain in Michigan, those slippery snow-covered roads. Surely there are so many others with worse conditions.
After work I met Ber at our special spot and we climbed and climbed to D$'s house for a BDP meeting, packing dry clothes on our backs. I wanted to pack some beers to have at the meeting, but all that hilly jostling would be a sacrilege to a can of Kitten Mittens. Together we got 3 cold, wet, dark miles. Were fed homemade sweet treats and cans of bubbly water as we spent a couple hours going over BDP bizness. M made me a McKinnon family classic - stir fry bowl, but he went a deliciously crazy with texture and spice and I called it a top 4 classic.
Miles for the day - 15
Tuesday, 1/7
Insanely task oriented today. Working, placing orders, BDP, sending out emails, building profiles, contacting RD's, adding to the calendar, applying for nexus, geeking out over the Houston elite field, etc. Surely I can't possess this much can-do energy when I'm running as much as I am? I feel like it's just waiting right around the corner, and I'll be mad that I even had the gall to declare myself energized. Or maybe it's just that I'm fantastically well-fed because I just downed 3xburritos in 30 seconds. Spoke too soon, but called it. Legs felt heavy, but I was able to run in a rainless window and that's super. Doubled for 4; caught the light, but found the rain.
Miles for the day - 15
Wednesday, 1/8
Elvis' birthday. My brother's birthday. The day Croissant lost his manparts. Workout Wednesday. Coughed the night long. A smarter person might've skipped the w/o, but I am not that some of the time, and I'm a glutton for punishment. Not feeling good? Might as well add some more. It's sick, but being sick makes me feel more alive. Originally I'd planned for: 8E + 3 x 1 mile (I) w/ 4 min jogs + 3 x 1K (I) w/ 2 minute jogs + 2E, but something in me thought cutting out half the speed and doing some hill reps (secret speed) instead sounded more appropriate for my face, chest & Atlanta. The cough went away for the run, which was a nice reprieve. W/o altered to:
Long WU + 3 x 1 mile (I) w/ 4 min jogs + 5x 40s hill reps with jog/walk down recovery + CD
7.25 mi WU + (5:21, 5:15, 5:17) + 5 x 40s hill reps in sub 6 pace + 2.75 CD
I was actually surprised on my ability in the mile intervals, because I'm definitely not fresh, and with a cold I expected less. Plus I ran 5:21 in a mile time trial at the end of December. I did have the benefit of the "down" part of Squalicum Pkwy. I'll take it.
BDP Strength at JD Elite, where we focused on hamstrings, squats, kettlebell swings, hops and core.
Miles for the day - 16.25
Thursday, 1/9
Neck muscles are sore. I hulked out straining to use muscles (incorrectly) last evening, I suspect. 10 "easy," because of strength, but "easy" with 2Trainz is mid-7's. A recurring thought flitters: is this ez enough!? I'm just running man, I hate to think this much. Easier dbl with 2Trainz & Rachel in the night, puddling about. After - tacos and margaritas with my tall friends, where each person comes and sits down at several minute intervals and continuously orders the, "I'll have what they're having," six times, and every time, the nice waiter smiles. I would have been like, Bitch order a pitcher! I'm tired of walking singles over! I hand over Life Before Man to Cousin for our book club; it feels really cool to slide a book across a table at a taco joint, for some reason.
Miles for the day - 15.35
Friday, 1/10
I impress myself with my ability to put zero effort into certain aspects of my life, so that I may be better equipped in others. I.e. last night, I wore a sweatsuit to tacos & tequila with friends (which was notable because everyone liked hugging me because of the velour), and because I'm sick & training hard, I crashed after said tacos & tequila(s). Woke up in my velour suit, and then proceeded to wear it to work. It's efficient & cozy. I like this time of year at the hospital. People have new deductibles to meet & are therefore a little less needy with the processing of their imaging. I can squeeze in a little more creative output instead of beeboop computer work. 10.5 miles in a rain window. Praise. All of me is covered in slobbersnot.
Double after work + 5 strides with 2Trainz & Kelso. We say 3-2-1 and the dog leads. I've run around 30 miles in 2 days with 2Trainz. Grateful for his company, but he does make me go fast(er) even when we both say we're going to go slow today. It's always a lie. Yoga immediately after that, where I find that my arms are sore from BDP Strength, even though it was leg-focused. I tell M he should come watch me do yoga (not a perv thing), and he sips rose cider at Lost Giants, while I'm perpetually in child's pose - "I saw Nikki was doing handstands, and, were just laying there...?" "Yeah, Matthew, that's called dealer's choice. We were allowed to choose whatever we wanted for that minute ok." I pound some rose cider he's graciously left for me, even though he thinks I'm faking yoga, change into a zebra top, brown beret, hoop earrings (wow, tried this time...) and within minutes we're planted in front of our dear friends, The Osborn's, who will be coming to support at the Trials, for an incredible meal at RockNRye: oysters, bubbles, cocktails, grilled bread, mussels, burger with gorgonzola, chocolate tart, blue franc. To Redlight for a nightcap. Then home, for, you guessed it - comatose sleep mixed with hack fest.
Miles for the day - 15.5
Saturday, 1/11
Met LB & Matt at Lake Padden for a long warm up before I'd take off on my own for a workout. Haven't been to Padden in forever; it was a nice, wet reprieve. We ogled many a cute dog. After 5 miles chatting about finances, the NFL, Mck's upcoming baby shower, etc. I (sadly) left them for what I had originally planned as:
3E + 8MP + 4T + 2E
Which became, because of this chronic cough, and because of wanting to spend as much time with them as possible, and because at that point, why not just turn it into in a LR -
5E + 8MP + Long CD with the 8MP in (5:46, 5:45, 5:47, 5:45, 5:50, 5:47, 5:47, 5:42).
The MP miles felt manageable in the way that I could have done more, but when I paused to collect myself and take a gel before doing the T-miles, I had a coughing fit that just, hmmm, you know that one dance move, Shoot? It was like doing that a lot, without the rhythm, mid foot strike. Cool. So, I cut the last part of the workout and just ran it in. Doing Shoot moves periodically. Happy with the effort and ability.
After, after a hot shower and milky, sugary Irish breakfast tea & a pita pocket stuffed with sausage, and an egg, sausage, potato & Louisiana hot sauce scramble, I just posted up in front of the fire with Didion, and remained there, only moving to assemble our lodgings for our southern vacay surrounding the Olympic Trials. Gargled some NyQuil. Fell asleep watching Mandalorian by 8:30 pm.
Miles for the day - 20.5
Sunday, 1/12
Nights and mornings have been rough. The only good thing about this bad cough is that it hasn't rubbed the throat raw. It's this husky dry tickle thing, but nothing will take it down - NyQuil, Nsaids, asleep by 8:30 pm. Happy that there was a BDP group run in place, though 8 am felt all too early in the dim light. Met at the Whatcom Falls tennis courts & Josh led us on a wet 12-er. As long as I maintain a certain pace the cough doesn't escape the mouth. I closed out my highest week of mileage ever, today, with a group of freakin' hilarious teammates. We spoke on achieving Doctorates online via China for a cheap price, becoming Masters and Lords and Reverends. Ideas on how to bring the community together. How my cat is still a dick. Really grateful to be able to run with company, to run through sickness without much detriment, and especially that I made it through this week without snow. In the coming days we expect to get freezing temps and rain/snow mixes, which will greatly affect training.
"I think you need to be eating some more," says M. "I know, but I feel like cheese." (Thinking there's no cheese in the house). M proceeds to make me a cheesy potato & egg plate with slices of cheese on the side. I mean, it wasn't some grade-A cheddar, more like Winco sandwich slice cheese, but damn if he didn't deliver. What a man.
Miles for the day - 12.10 + a lot of complaining about hills
Miles for the week - 110
*3/3 weeks up, now it's time for some recovery
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