Monday, 2/3
This will be my last week up, before a 3 week trend down. At the end of the week will be my last big hard effort. It's basically the layout I've done for all previous marathons, but I'm paying closer attention to the effort I'll put forth in the workouts this week, as I shot my load too early for Boston '19 and don't want to repeat that mistake.
I've finally hit a garbage hole of a mouth. It's like that 24-miler brought it out of me. Easy runch, then a bigger run after work. I had planned to catch up on podcasts, but bumped into 3 different teammates. I like when it works out like that, it totally alters the feeling of the run: present and free-flowing.
Miles for the day - 14.8
Tuesday, 2/4
Woke up real early to overlap a run with 2Trainz. He got me hustling faster than I do mornings, but it was a good run; finished by circling a 1-mile loop around my neighborhood numerous times, and somehow had fun doing it. Still voracious. Finished the day with a lunch double, the snow coming on thick & wet. It's so nice to be done running by the afternoon, so that the evening can be recovery. I took clothes in for resale and made $100. Had a quinoa, broccoli, mushroom, greens and chicken bowl for dinner with cab sauv.
Miles for the day - 14.7 + light core
Wednesday, 2/5
"You sleep real good." I had a dream that I found what I thought was a massager on the street, but then I turned it on, and it was definitely a vibrator, and I was aghast that my hand had been all over it, and then I woke up, and I have no idea what this means. Ate a half a log of a berry pastry strudel & a packet of icing. "What does it mean if I ate that whole log you brought me?" "Omg you did?" I'm not sure why he's still surprised that if you put something in front of me, it's gone, there's no pacing or parceling. I have to be creative with today's workout. Thankfully the snow didn't stick, but it's a cold pisser out there. Originally had -
5E + 3x 1T w/ 1 min jog + 3x 1K (I) w/ 2 min jogs + 3x 400R w/ 400's + 2E
Changed into a mid-day split of - WU + 3x 1T (5:28, 5:30, 5:21) w/ 1 min rests + 3x 1K (3:13, 3:20, 3:26 (up)) w/ 2 min jogs + CD, then finished out the rest of the w/o after work at the track - WU + 3x 400/400s (73, 73, 72) + CD with Nikki, ending at JD Elite. Single leg jumps were highly fatiguing. Was able to hold boat pose for 2.5 minutes; 2Trains won in like 3:30. Then after all that, we had a BDP board mtg. It's been a long ass day. Grateful to Nikki who packed homemade chicken paninis, carrots, apples, pears, beer cupcakes, Derek, who brought chocolate cookies, and Ber who offered up some fizzy drank. After work, 2 runs, a broken up workout, all in the rain, strength sesh, and a board meeting, finally at 9:30 pm I got into the shower.
Miles for the day - 15 + drills, strides & strength
Thursday, 2/6
Woof to waking up today. Left my car at work, so I had to run in, which is preferable anyhow. Ate what was left of the pastry log and some black coffee. Work was too much. Second run partially done with 2Trainz; feeling so done with the rain. It usually doesn't bother me, but I feel like with all these doubles, I'm just wet all the time. Laundry all the time. Towels in my shoes. After work went thrifting and bought M a neon green suit and a pair of red leather Coach boots with little pockets on them, for like snacks or something. Went grocery shopping. Everyone was there. Somehow I was patient. M & I watched Witcher. I have no idea what's going on. Woke up in the middle of the night and went straight for crackers and nutella. I'm afraid for what I've done.
Miles for the day - 14.2
Friday, 2/7
I had a dream last night that I was living in Blindness' landscape. That for some reason we thought it was a good idea to ride in a helicopter, when everyone was suddenly being stricken with the blindness, and then of course our pilot was struck blind as we were descending, we crashed, everyone survived, and I still managed to have sight. And then everyone was suddenly hungry and touristy feeling in this new land and toured what was like a hybrid of a tropical port town and a Spanish cobbled neighborhood, and I was mad because they took off without me when I was trying to find all my books in the busted helicopter. It was a blend, I'm sure, of the sad passing of KB & Co. and of that apocalyptic book. Someone read me.
PAYDAY! Slowly racking up those PTO hours so that I can fully enjoy myself on our Southern vacation post marathon. A lot of teammates are rallying support about this rainfall, and how badass we all are for enduring, and that warms me. Ran into Britt & Andrew for some much needed company on a 10-miler. The rain broke, TG.
Miles for the day - 10
Saturday, 2/8
M left early for his parents; I slept in to the delicious hour of 9:30 am. Toasted raisin bagel with Irish butter, cold brew. Cleaned up my closet, did laundry, dishes, read. Set out around 10:30 am for the workout/LR, vacillating between excitement to be close to running a marathon again, and dread about the pain, the hills, and the potential loss of blood.
4E + 6MP (5:56, 5:52, 6:07 (big up), 5:32 (big down), 5:44, 5:50) + 1T (5:29) + 6MP (5:53, 5:52, 6:01 (partial up), 5:42 (partial down), 5:57, 5:50) + 1T (5:30) + 4E
Post workout/LR made a 3 egg scramble with turkey, goat cheese, mushrooms, greens & hot sauce. Treated myself to some thrifting down south; found some house decor and a sky blue fringe dress. Went for dinner & drinks with Caitlin, Karis & their men at Temple Bar. Sampled some gin & vermouth at a tasting the bar was hosting. Fell asleep with some pink wine and dark chocolate chips in front of the fire, on the floor. It's a comforting thing to do for some reason. Usually, though, when I fall asleep in front of the fire, I get heat stroke and wake up needing to vom. This did not occur.
Miles for the day - 22.10
Sunday, 2/9
Woke up at the unfortunate hour of 7 am, alarmed from another vivid dream. Met up with the team at 8:30 am for 10+ miles talking Millrose, Walmsley, RnR, Mesa-Phx, etc. before they deposited me at the doorstep and continued on for longer. I napped for a few hours, then made a sandwich, pretzels with nutella. Finished, City of Girls, a nice change of pace from that which I usually gravitate towards, and a quicker read. M came home and we did some more organizing in prep for a garage sale we're intent on having prior to ATL. M's mother gifted me a vintage gold watch face for good luck for the Trials. I fell asleep on the couch again. I live there now. I think it's because it's like a hug that doesn't get too hot in embrace.
Miles for the day - 10.25
Miles for the week - 101.2 + strength & yoga
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